
Potassium Description

Potassium - Potassium is the third most abundant mineral compound that appears in the human body. Potassium is found inside the cell membranes. Potassium is used in the regulation of heart rate and nerve impulses. It also is essential in efficient muscle use and control. Potassium helps to lower high blood pressure and is thought to prevent the high incidence of strokes. Mental and physical stress and exhaustion will deplete the body's reserves of Potassium, as will coffee, alcohol and sugar.

A deficiency in Potassium may lead to weakness, an irregular heartbeat, vomiting and diarrhea.. Potassium is common in many varieties of foods, such as potatoes, squash, tomatoes, carrots, celery, prunes, pork, beef, lamb, bran, yogurt, milk and sunflower seeds.






















