
Phosphorus Description

Phosphorus - Phosphorus is found in the human bones and blood and is the second most abundant mineral compound that appears in the body. Phosphorus is used in the making of hard surfaces, such as bones and teeth, but it also is used by virtually every cell in the body. There is evidence that Phosphorus helps maintain steady heart rates and reduces the pain of arthritis. It is used in cancer therapy and it is used extensively for the repair of burned tissues. Overall, Phosphorus is essential in providing energy to the body and helps to metabolize fats and starches. Phosphorus will need some Vitamin D present in order to function as intended.

A deficiency in Phosphorus may lead to brittle or fragile bones, weakness and fatigue, loss of appetite, confusion, and to a greater susceptibility to infection. Phosphorus is common in many varieties of foods, such as milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, pork, beef, tuna, some shellfish, sunflower seeks, peanut butter, and broccoli. Because of the food preparation method used, Phosphorus is even available through French Fries.




















