
Lysine Description

Lysine - Lysine is an amino acid that at one time was thought to be the cure, or at least the best treatment, for herpes outbreaks, particularly outbreaks of Herpes simplex 1, or cold sores that occur around the mouth in those who have the virus. Lysine is not as effective as the Herpes drug Acyclovir, but it still has been shown to reduce the length of outbreaks and to reduce the frequency as well. Beyond Lysine's efficacy as a herpes treatment, it is an essential amino acid and helps to maintain a suitable nitrogen balance in the body. Lysine also helps absorb and conserve calcium.

Persons on a vegetarian died, especially those who do not eat eggs or dairy, are often found to be deficient in many of the amino acids, including lysine. Serious deficiencies of Lysine may lead to hair loss, anemia, enzyme disorders, retarded growth and reproductive problems. Supplementation is becoming a popular means of keeping lysine on hand in the body. 




















