
Kelp Description

Kelp - Kelp is a natural plant that is also known as seaweed. Kelp grows in large areas known as kelp forests. Although it can be eaten raw, kelp is ordinarily in the form of a powder, or granulated. Kelp is also juiced for those who prefer liquids. Kelp is served tableside as a salt substitute.

Kelp is very rich in many of the essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. There is anecdotal evidence that Kelp has helped people afflicted with thyroid conditions, owing to its high iodine content. Other conditions that are commonly affected by Kelp supplementation are obesity, hair loss, and stomach ulcers. Kelp is also used in food manufacturing. It is a thickening agent and is useful in the production of ice creams and jellies. It is also used as a thickener for some toothpastes.




















